Conference to highlight significance of multimodal logistics, freight services

ISLAMABAD, March 9 (APP): A conference here on Thursday will focus on pivotal role of multimodal logistics and freight services in the national trade growth.

The one-day conference titled, “Trade growth of Pakistan through multimodal logistics” will be featuring interactive sessions and insightful debates on a diverse range of topics.

The conference is being organized by Manzil Pakistan, a Karachi based think tank in collaboration with All Pakistan Shipping Association (APSA) while US Agency for International Development (USAID), Pakistan International Bulk Terminal (PIBT), JS Bank and Faysal Bank Ltd are the event partners.

The conference would be attended by federal ministers, federal secretaries of different ministries/divisions, senior government officials, representatives of renowned logistics organizations along with stakeholders and members of business community, a press release said.

Through specialized sessions, the conference will comprehensively cover different sectors of the trade transport industry.

The technical sessions will kick off with “Public-private sector institutional harmony for integrated multimodal logistics in Pakistan”.

The session will be chaired by Dr. Ishrat Hussain, former advisor to the PM on institutional reforms & austerity.

It will be followed by an exclusive session chaired by Mahmood Baqi Moulvi, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Maritime Affairs titled “Optimizing blue economy: issues and challenges” will be presenting an overview of Pakistan’s maritime and shipping industry.

To discuss the importance of Highways in logistics industry, participants would be sharing their viewpoints in a session Chaired by Chairman Board of Investment Muhammad Azfar Ahsan on the theme of “Connecting Highways with Smart Hinterland Transport Network”.

A special session will be chaired by Secretary Railways on Railway Freight services and their valuable part in national logistics network will be discussed in a specified session “Business Enabling Environment: Empowering Private Sector in Rail-Freight Business”.

Keeping in view the importance of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), an exclusive session “CPEC, Regional Connectivity for Trade & Domestic Commerce” has been scheduled which would be addressed by Special Assistant to Prime Minister on CPEC Authority Khalid Mansoor.

This session would not only be encompassing the importance of regional connectivity but the future of domestic commerce and foreign investments in Pakistan would also be discussed.