NUMS, South Korean Vaccine Institute to collaborate in indigenous development of vaccine in Pakistan

Read in Urdu

RAWALPINDI, Dec 20 (APP): National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) and International Vaccine Institute (IVI) South Korea agreed on Tuesday to collaborate in the indigenous development of vaccine through transfer of technology and by building capacity of Pakistani scientists.

This understanding was reached after a delegation from NUMS led by its Vice Chancellor Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir, HI(M) held a meeting with Director General of International Vaccine Institute (IVI) South Korea Dr Jerome H. Kim along with his team in Seoul on Tuesday.

“Both sides agreed to cooperate in areas of capacity building including on-site training for group of scientists from Pakistan, along with technology transfer for vaccine development,” said a message received here from Seoul.

The Vice-Chancellor presented Dr. Jerome H. Kim NUMS’ shield while Dean NUMS Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies Dr. Prof. Aisha Mohyuddin and Consultant Strategic Planning and Development Jaweed Akhtar were also present were present on the occasion.

Meanwhile, in another initiative, NUMS and the University Of MOSTAR of Bosnia and Herzegovina inked a Document of Understanding (DOC) at an impressive ceremony held at Mostar (Sarajevo) on Monday to promote scientific research and academic cooperation.

The DOU was signed by Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir HI(M) Vice Chancellor NUMS and Rector Bosnian and Herzegovina University Of MOSTAR (SUM) Prof. Zoran Tomic PhD during a former visit to Bosnia.
Pakistan ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Maj Gen Akhtar Jamil Rao HI(M) (Retd), Dean NUMS Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies Prof. Dr Aisha Mohyuddin and Dr Lalarukh Consultant Clinical Trial Unit(CTU) were also present on the occasion.

The DOU envisaged “the areas and matters of mutual cooperation as well as the forms and manners of its implementation”.

Under the DOU, both universities can choose their staff for participation in the staff exchange “with an aim of studying or lecturing at the other university, on a reciprocal base”. Both sides agreed to call professors from the other University for giving lectures or consultations for a certain period or choose one or more of their employees for mutual visits for improving the study or research in their respective institutions.

The universities will exchange students, either in undergraduate or graduate studies, in the appropriate fields of study, said the DOU.
